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O sole mio
4 mars 2004

desire story

To be friends : être amis

Ex : They were friends, a little ambiguous friends

Friendliness : bienveillance

To be full of attention : être attentionné pour quelqu'un

Lovable : adorable, très sympathique

Ex : She liked his  friendliness and the fact he had always been full of attention, she would found him lovable.


Excitable : nerveux, émotif, impressionnable

Ex : When they "met" in December, he seemed so pleasantly excitable.

To be carried away (by) : être transporté, enthousiasmé par qqn ou qqch

Attraction : attrait, charme (for : attirance pour qqn)

Ex : After their end-december phone conversation, she was carried away and found him a new special attraction.

Distract or distraught : affolé, éperdu

To thrill : faire frémir, emouvoir

Ex : She felt not distract for all that, but thrilled.


To give way to a feeling : céder à un sentiment

Turmoil : trouble, agitation, remous

To become or grow fond of : s'attacher à qqn ou qqch

Ex : In january, she gave way to her turmoil and grew fond of his voice.


To be moved : être ému

Cool : calme, qui ne perd pas la tête 

Ex : But he seemed less and less moved and in a irritating way so cool.

Demonstrative : démonstratif, expansif

Ex : After all, it was true that she would rarely be demonstrative.

Quiet : calme, tranquille, doux

To repress, curb a feeling : réfréner, maîtriser un sentiment

Discomposure : agitation, émoi, perturbation d'esprit

Ex : She thought he, seeing her feigned quiet interest,  might repress his discomposure.


To feel as if : avoir l'impression que

To upset : troubler, émouvoir, impressionner qqn

Ex : She felt as if he didn't understand how he upsat her.


To feel a pang : éprouver un serrement de coeur

Ex : She felt a pang when he told her some things about their relation, but didn't understand why, because she hadn't heard very well.

To fall in love : tomber amoureux (with : de qqn)

Ex : She wondered how he could have fallen in love with her some years before and now seem so cool.


Infatuation : engouement, tocade (for : pour qqn ou qqch)

To arouse a feeling : faire naître un sentiment

Mood : disposition d'esprit, humeur

Ex : She "forgot" to call him, and finally thought (decided) it had been an infatuation, he unintentionally had arose this so soft feeling in a moment she had just been in the mood for love.


To eat cereals : manger des céréales

Ex : And now, she eats cereals with milk, and watches the "Des racines et des ailes" documentary about Italy.
